How RIP Kenny Took More Than 2 Years to Perfect His Album LISTEN HERE On the big 9 0 episode of Electronic Dance Money, I’m bringing on RIP Kenny once more from The Human Music Podcast! This time, we’re talking all about his album. If you’ve been a...
The Philosophy of Stoicism and Dealing with Imposter Syndrome LISTEN HERE Today we’re hanging out with Mike Vaugh again and we’re diving head first into Stoicism and the incredible Marcus Aurelius! I’ve been thinking about doing this episode for a...
A Promo Plan in Less Than 10 Minutes LISTEN HERE Today we have a super quick episode! I broke my finger just a couple weeks ago and didn’t have time to plan an episode before I had surgery, so this episode is just 24 hours after surgery! In this episode...
Network Building 101 with Mike Vaughn LISTEN HERE If you want to write music, you have to constantly practice writing. If you want that music to go place, you have to contstantly network.This is a concept we have discussed many times and we’re back again to...
Using Open Deck Events to Increase Brand Awareness LISTEN HERE Open deck events are a great way for edm producers and djs to build brand awareness and networking opportunities with promoters and fans. By playing a short set, producers and djs can introduce their music...