3 Ways You Can Start Leveraging Other Accounts LISTEN HERE Many producers are stuck running in circles trying to muster up anyone they can to build an audience of their own. A lot of their work is structured on creating art or contents, sharing it and hoping those...
The Philosophy of Stoicism and Dealing with Imposter Syndrome LISTEN HERE Today we’re hanging out with Mike Vaugh again and we’re diving head first into Stoicism and the incredible Marcus Aurelius! I’ve been thinking about doing this episode for a...
Why Ego is Holding Everyone Back LISTEN HERE The other day I was having lunch with a friend and we got to discussing how political a lot of EDM local scenes are, specifically with promoters and bookers. This got me thinking about what might be the route cause of this...
Live Streaming and The Future of Copyright in Live Streaming Part 1 with Darran Bruce LISTEN HERE Since Coronavirus hit the world in the beginning of 2020, the world of live streaming has been disrupted with a massive increase in both musicians and DJ’s...
The World of Sales Funnels, Lead Magnets and Selling Your Music with Wyatt Christensen LISTEN HERE Selling your music, or capturing leads isn’t easy… But it’s about to get a whole hell of a lot easier! In this episode of Electronic Dance Money,...