You should be receiving the soundpack in your e-mail shortly.
I think you’re going to really like this soundpack!
I believe in it so much that I want to give you an additional offer…
This is my Elite Series Serum sounpack that comes with 61 MASSIVE ready to use sounds for your next track! These are EXCLUSIVE sounds that you can’t find anywhere else!
In this soundpack you’ll get:
- 21 Bass sounds
- 20 Leads
- 10 Plucks
- 5 Pads
- 3 Drums
- 2 FX
Normally this soundpack costs $40…
… But I don’t want to give it to you for $40!
I don’t even want to give it to you for $30!
I’m going to give you this soundpack for $20!
That’s 61 original sounds + the additional 30 free sounds that I’m already giving you today for a total of $20!
Remember, you can’t find any of these sounds anywhere else. Not on Splice, not on Loopmasters, not on Producer Loops.
The only place you’ll find these is right here!
Click the button below to purchase this elite soundpack. Use code ELITE50 at checkout for 50% off!