
Learn Like The Professionals

EDM Vocal Mixing: How to Get Top Line Vocals

EDM Vocal Mixing: How to Get Top Line Vocals

Just a few weeks ago I had a client reach out to me requesting some help with EDM vocal mixing. He told me he was  having issues with getting his vocals to sit in his mix. After listening to his track, I noticed that the vocals didn’t really sound too bad. However, I...

How Gain Staging EDM Can Level Up Your Mixes

All throughout production, mixing, and mastering, there is pretty much 1 universal rule that everyone follows; NO CLIPPING. That means you need proper gain staging for EDM tracks. Clipping is when an audio signal is pushed beyond its limit which ends up creating...

EDM Vocal Mixing: How to Get Top Line Vocals

Just a few weeks ago I had a client reach out to me requesting some help with EDM vocal mixing. He told me he was  having issues with getting his vocals to sit in his mix. After listening to his track, I noticed that the vocals didn’t really sound too bad. However, I...

When and How to Use Proper Compression in EDM

Compression in EDM, an effect that can either make or break your track. Today, we see many amateur artists stumbling their way through compression. This can crush the dynamics of their element, creating a blanket effect, or blast the volume of the element to extreme...

2 Easy Steps Toward Stronger EDM Mixes

As an EDM producer, your mix is EVERYTHING. Without a solid mix to hold up your track, all of your hard work with songwriting and production can easily fall at the wayside. So what do you do when your production skills and songwriting skills are up to par but your mix...

Using Exciters and Saturators in EDM

Forget about your go-to distortion plug-in. Start focusing on using exciters and saturators in EDM. Distortion is a highly sought after sound in today's electronic music. There’s nothing like hearing a nice crunchy bassline that can really drive you. A buzzy pluck...

EDM Compression & EQ in Production

When I was first learning about mixing, hell, even when I was just trying to figure out production, I never looked at the way I was using compression in EDM. I really didn’t know a whole lot about EQ or compression. So much so, when I found out what a compressor was,...

EDM Production: Mixing The Levels in Your Track

In this months article, I’d like to talk about something that I see people struggle with on a daily basis with both my clients, and every-day producers; mixing in EDM production. More specifically, leveling. Leveling is very important to a mix, yet so subtle and...

4 Essential EDM Mixing Tools

In my previous article, we talked about everything you need to get started as a music producer. Today, I’d like to talk to you about a few EDM mixing tools that can and will help you in your day to day production. Once you have everything that you need, and you’ve...

2 Easy Steps Toward Stronger EDM Mixes

As an EDM producer, your mix is EVERYTHING. Without a solid mix to hold up your track, all of your hard work with songwriting and production can easily fall at the wayside. So what do you do when your production skills and songwriting skills are up to par but your mix...

Using Exciters and Saturators in EDM

Forget about your go-to distortion plug-in. Start focusing on using exciters and saturators in EDM. Distortion is a highly sought after sound in today's electronic music. There’s nothing like hearing a nice crunchy bassline that can really drive you. A buzzy pluck...

EDM Ghost Production – Make Money Doing What You Love

EDM Ghost Production – Make Money Doing What You Love

EDM ghost production, one of the oldest “taboo’s” in the industry. What I find is that most younger producers seem to despise ghost production. I understand where their frustration comes from. Even I remember saying to myself and my friends, “why would you ghost...

Why FL Studio Will Continue To Dominate The EDM Production Scene

Preconception When you think of music production, what digital audio workstation(also known as DAW) do you think of? Perhaps its Ableton, Logic, or maybe even Garageband. Unfortunately, that list of notable DAWs is only set to keep growing as industry giants continue...

EDM Ghost Production – Make Money Doing What You Love

EDM ghost production, one of the oldest “taboo’s” in the industry. What I find is that most younger producers seem to despise ghost production. I understand where their frustration comes from. Even I remember saying to myself and my friends, “why would you ghost...

How Gain Staging EDM Can Level Up Your Mixes

All throughout production, mixing, and mastering, there is pretty much 1 universal rule that everyone follows; NO CLIPPING. That means you need proper gain staging for EDM tracks. Clipping is when an audio signal is pushed beyond its limit which ends up creating...

Finishing EDM Production: How to Know When Your Track is Finished

In the second article of this series we discussed ways in which you can finish more EDM tracks. However, knowing when your finishing your EDM production is a bit of a different topic.  I’ve produced far too many tracks that went on for weeks, even months. All because...

The EDM Producers Guide to Collaboration

As a producer you’re bound to find people that want a collaboration, specifically in EDM. People either:      a. Want a collaboration with you. Or       b. You want a collaboration with them. When going into these situations, it’s important to understand the proper...

How to Use Effects In EDM Like a Pro

Using effects in EDM is something that you just can't run away from. While producing, you almost always end up using some sort of effect on your tracks. These effects can include compression, reverb, delay, distortion, or even saturation. While none of these are...

How to Properly Layer Sounds in EDM

The subtle art of how to properly layer sounds in EDM can seem like a confusing and daunting task, when in fact it’s fairly easy. You just need to understand the basics to start combining some fantastic sounds and create huge layers. Today, I’m going to take you...

5 of The Best Tips to Finishing EDM Tracks

In the previous article we discussed how to get better at mixing. In that article I discussed one of the key ingredients to becoming more successful at mixing. This key ingredient is finishing more EDM racks. Now I know what you’re thinking, “Yeah it’s way easier said...

Producing EDM & How To Generate A Consistent Stream Of Creativity

Where do you even start? Listen, we've all been there. You just finished your latest track. You're feeling amazing about it! You've started to prepare for promo and when you're going to release this great work of art! A couple of weeks go by and you're feeling...

5 Tips for an EDM Producer to Better Time Management & Productivity

With how much technology has revolutionized the way we create things by making everything faster, stronger, and overall, better; you would probably assume that our productivity has also gotten significantly better. Well, my friend, that is where you’re wrong....

Finishing EDM Production: How to Know When Your Track is Finished

In the second article of this series we discussed ways in which you can finish more EDM tracks. However, knowing when your finishing your EDM production is a bit of a different topic.  I’ve produced far too many tracks that went on for weeks, even months. All because...

The EDM Producers Guide to Collaboration

As a producer you’re bound to find people that want a collaboration, specifically in EDM. People either:      a. Want a collaboration with you. Or       b. You want a collaboration with them. When going into these situations, it’s important to understand the proper...

The Value of 1001Tracklists

Last month, I had a chance to sit down with and chat with someone on the forefront of marketing in the dance music industry. Evan Sacks is the CEO of 1001Tracklists, and the COO of Songstats.  In case you didn't know, both Songstats and 1001Tracklists are pretty...

Electronic Dance Money Episode 071 – Splice Vocal vs. Original Vocal

Splice Vocal vs. Original VocalI get it, grabbing the Splice vocal is usually a sure fire way of using an amazing vocal that is not only already processed, but easy to use within your project. Not only that, but it's WAY cheaper than spending $500+ on an original...

Your Personal Finace Guide for Being a Successful EDM Producer

Today we are going to talk about personal finance and how it can make you a more successful EDM producer! You may be asking, “How does this relate to becoming a successful EDM producer?” It is key.  How many successful people do you know that don’t have any sort of...

How to Book EDM Gigs as Producers & DJs

If you’re wanting to be a full time producer and DJ, obviously you need to know how to book EDM gigs. However, getting booked can seem daunting and impossible. The truth is that it’s actually quite easy. But, how do you get booked? In this article, we’ll be taking a...

How to Get More Plays for Your EDM Tracks

How do you get more play for your EDM Tracks? The age old question for musicians! It seems so difficult, yet so many other artists make it seem so easy. There are a couple of things that drive traffic to an artists track. They’ve got an established audience The record...

The Electronic Musicians Guide to Growing an Organic Fanbase

If you’re wanting to be a full time producer, then you need to have an organic fanbase that supports you on your journey. As Electronic musicians our fanbase is everything. It’s who pays for your music to get you up in the charts. All so you can either get more fans,...

EDM Promo List: How to Create Them and Who to Send Them To

If you’re a producer that is already signing and releasing music, or you’re looking toward doing so, then you’ll eventually come across what is called an EDM promo list.  An EDM promo list is basically a list of producer/DJ e-mails that record labels will send tracks...

Networking as EDM Producers: How to Create a Strong Network

Networking as an EDM producers will become beneficial to your career. 9 times out of 10 it will take someone within your network to get you a major opportunity. Opportunities like playing a mainstage, signing with a major label, or even getting a big collab.  As you...

The EDM Producers Guide to Collaboration

As a producer you’re bound to find people that want a collaboration, specifically in EDM. People either:      a. Want a collaboration with you. Or       b. You want a collaboration with them. When going into these situations, it’s important to understand the proper...

How to Promote EDM Tracks Like a Professional

How well did your last release go? Pretty good, ok but could you have done better? Did it flat out, fall on its face? If it didn’t do as well as you’d hoped it would, what do you think went wrong? More than likely, you struggled in some way shape or form with your...

How to Book EDM Gigs as Producers & DJs

If you’re wanting to be a full time producer and DJ, obviously you need to know how to book EDM gigs. However, getting booked can seem daunting and impossible. The truth is that it’s actually quite easy. But, how do you get booked? In this article, we’ll be taking a...

How to Get More Plays for Your EDM Tracks

How do you get more play for your EDM Tracks? The age old question for musicians! It seems so difficult, yet so many other artists make it seem so easy. There are a couple of things that drive traffic to an artists track. They’ve got an established audience The record...

Mastering EDM: Measuring and Determining Loudness

Mastering EDM: Measuring and Determining Loudness

When it comes to artists and mastering EDM, I think the first thing they always think about and question is loudness. Two questions stick out in my mind when thinking about this topic and it’s, “How loud can my master get?” and, “Can you make my track louder?” ...

How Gain Staging EDM Can Level Up Your Mixes

All throughout production, mixing, and mastering, there is pretty much 1 universal rule that everyone follows; NO CLIPPING. That means you need proper gain staging for EDM tracks. Clipping is when an audio signal is pushed beyond its limit which ends up creating...

Mastering EDM: Measuring and Determining Loudness

When it comes to artists and mastering EDM, I think the first thing they always think about and question is loudness. Two questions stick out in my mind when thinking about this topic and it’s, “How loud can my master get?” and, “Can you make my track louder?” ...

Dithering When Mastering Electronic Dance Music

If you’re getting deeper and deeper into mastering, it’s important to know about as much of the mastering process as possible, this includes what it means to use dithering when mastering. How one process affects another. How streaming services affect sound quality....

Dithering When Mastering Electronic Dance Music

If you’re getting deeper and deeper into mastering, it’s important to know about as much of the mastering process as possible, this includes what it means to use dithering when mastering. How one process affects another. How streaming services affect sound quality....

Dithering When Mastering Electronic Dance Music

Dithering When Mastering Electronic Dance Music

If you’re getting deeper and deeper into mastering, it’s important to know about as much of the mastering process as possible, this includes what it means to use dithering when mastering. How one process affects another. How streaming services affect sound quality....

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Your Personal Finace Guide for Being a Successful EDM Producer

Your Personal Finace Guide for Being a Successful EDM Producer

Today we are going to talk about personal finance and how it can make you a more successful EDM producer! You may be asking, “How does this relate to becoming a successful EDM producer?” It is key.  How many successful people do you know that don’t have any sort of...

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How to Book EDM Gigs as Producers & DJs

How to Book EDM Gigs as Producers & DJs

If you’re wanting to be a full time producer and DJ, obviously you need to know how to book EDM gigs. However, getting booked can seem daunting and impossible. The truth is that it’s actually quite easy. But, how do you get booked? In this article, we’ll be taking a...

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