
Building A Brand Awareness Campaign

#093 - 3 Ways You Can Start Leveraging Other Accounts

What is up! I am FINALLY back after a few weeks of being MIA.

In this episode we are jumping into brand awareness and building your own brand awareness campaign.

But first, what is brand awareness? Why is it important to you? How do you build a campaign and why should you build a brand awareness campaign?

A brand awareness campaign is a fundamental part to the eco system of building your career. Nailing your brand awareness campaign and set your trajectory or purchase intent and having fans engage in your content and actions.

Learn all about this in today’s episode.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What is brand awareness
  • What a brand awareness campaign is
  • How to build a brand awareness campaign
  • Why brand awareness is important

and much more!

Episode Links


Facebook Pixel – https://www.facebook.com/business/tools/meta-pixel

Electronic Dance Money Booklist – https://enviousaudio.com/booklist

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