
Unlocking the Key to a Successful Release Strategy with Philip Röder

#102 - Unlocking the Key to a Successful Release Strategy with Philip Röder<br />

What is up! We are back with an incredible episode and we have Philip Röder from Pick Yourself!

In today’s episode, Philip and I jump into everything you need to develop a successful release strategy. From how many consistent tracks you need before you release, whether or not you should self-release and for how long, and how you should be promoting your music.

Philip is a music marketing wiz so if there is anyone you should be paying attention to, it is 100% him. His roots run deep in the electronic music world and he will surely breathe a breath of fresh air in the world of marketing music.

I strongly suggest you listen all the way up until the end of the episode, that’s where the real juicy tactics are 😉

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to strategize your release
  • What your release schedule should look like
  • Label release vs self-release
  • How to promote your tracks

and much more!

Episode Links


6Figure Creative – https://open.spotify.com/show/1ju0nBiNEdG9ZQIFldzW5a

Pick Yourself Framework: FREE guide that helps you finish at least one great-sounding song per month – https://pickyourself.com/framework

Philip’s 1-on-1 Coaching Program – https://pickyourself.com/coaching

Philip’s Mixing & Mastering Studio – https://copilco-productions.com

Philip’s Youtube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@pickyourselfofficial

Electronic Dance Money Booklist – https://enviousaudio.com/booklist

Book Links

The Go Giver – https://amzn.to/3pdcmFw


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